Antioxidants are necessary for our bodies because they neutralize free radicals. With aging, free radical generation increases and their quantity surpasses the antioxidant defence capacities of our bodies, which causes oxidative damage. In other words, an antioxidant is simply a good molecule (a little soldier) that transforms free radicals into harmless products and thus reduces their negative effects…
Polyphenols are excellent natural antioxidants. Nearly 10,000 polyphenols have been identified to date; some of them have been analyzed and are now recognized for their significant medicinal properties, as demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. Discover natural molecules beneficial for improving and maintaining good health.
To produce high-quality products, it is essential for us to start with superior-quality fruits and ingredients. At Fruitomed, all fruits grown by our partners are delivered to our facility and then hand-sorted by our production team to keep only the perfectly ripe fruits.
To strengthen the Immune System naturally
A healthy and regulated immune system is our best defense system against diseases: it hunts viruses, fights bad bacteria and kills parasites.
The polyphenols contained in small dark fruits help modulate and regulate our immune system and help us maintain overall good health.
The benefits of Elderberry Syrup
Relieves flu symptoms! Elderberry syrup is used as a natural cold or flu treatment, thanks to its high content of polyphenols from elderberries.
Studies show that elderberry syrup has the ability to reduce the symptoms and duration of the flu.
Antioxidants to Maintain Health
Formula concentrated in polyphenols, which provides a contribution of 67 antioxidants.
For times when it is more difficult to consume your portions of fruits and vegetables, here is a supplement to your diet that will help you maintain overall good health.
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect many of your joints, which is why it is called “polyarthritis''. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that occurs when your immune system attacks your own body's tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation in the membrane covering certain joints. This inflammation leads to swelling, stiffness, and increased heat in the affected joints.
Eye Diseases and Sun Exposure
Cataract is a vision disorder that occurs with aging, while macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease that develops from the age of 50. Macular degeneration is the main cause of poor vision in the elderly. These eye disorders can be caused by frequent exposure to the sun without protection from UV glasses, in addition to aging.
Relieve a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Naturally
Urinary tract infections are among the most common bacterial infections. They affect 25% of women and men can also be affected. Urinary tract infections are most often bladder infections, called cystitis. The regular intake of cranberries can reduce the risk of recurrent urinary infections, thus decreasing the use of antibiotics.
A Concentrated Elderberry Formula
Elderberries have antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Elderberry is one of the small fruits to prioritize to maintain and improve your health. Elderberries have been grown in Quebec for several years.
Help your Child’s Immune System.
For a healthy school year, boost your children's immune system naturally with our formula concentrated in elderberries and wild blueberries from Quebec.
This formula enables children to benefit from the antiviral properties of elderberries, helping them tackle germs, as well as the well-known benefits of wild blueberries for eye health.